Welcome to BMW-Brilliance

Program Overview

As a long-term corporate social responsibility project in China's automobile industry, BMW has been paying attention to the protection of intangible cultural heritage for the past 17 years, visiting 410 intangible cultural heritage items in 24 provinces and municipalities, donating over 25 million RMB to 90 intangible cultural heritage items in urgent need of safeguarding and relevant research projects, funded and enabled nearly 1000 inheritors and influencing nearly 16 million people in total. It has made outstanding contributions to the protection of China's intangible cultural heritage.

Innovative Logic

BMW China Culture Journey deeply explores the principle of "teaching a man how to fish rather than giving him a fish" based on BMW’s strong brand influence. The project aims to build bridges geared towards concentrating various social resources and integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life.

Continuous Enabling to Promote the Creative Transformation and Innovative Development of Traditional Chinese Culture

Enable ICH Inheritors to Improve Creativity During Cultural Products Creation:

- In 2016, BMW co-founded the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding in partnership with Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design to launch the “teach a man to fish” model to upgrade inheritors’ technical skills.
- In 2019, the Innovation Center’s collaboration model was upgraded to a new “learning by doing” practical program. Under the program, ICH inheritors are led to design and develop market-oriented intangible culture-themed creative products. At present, creative products jointly developed by the professors and students from Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and inheritors from Hainan, Hubei and Liaoning have been released. The five ICH inheritors selected during the 2021 Yunnan Tour are about to undergo creative cultural training in the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center, with new products resulting from their training expected to be launched in 2022.

E-commerce Enabling to Realize Closed-loop Supply Chain from Design to Consumption: In 2020, BMW China Culture Journey collaborated with Alibaba Foundation under the Model Mother Program to further enable female ICH inheritors with e-commerce skills. The program helped inheritors to expand online sales channels and drive employment through e-commerce.

Innovative Communication and Contribution to Local Community Development:

Explore the crossover integration of “ICH + Tourism”: Since 2016, BMW China Culture Journey has been collaborating with well-known travel website Mafengwo to co-publish ICH-themed Tour Guides for Sichuan, Hunan, Yushu, Hainan, Liaoning and Yunnan. The contributions to local tourism development have influenced and benefited over 2.8 million people.

Leverage e-commerce live streaming platform for the first time: The project leverages a variety of innovative communication approaches to lead more members of the public to join hands to protect ICH, promoting the development of local society and boosting the culture and tourism industries. During the 2021 Yunnan Tour, the program live-streamed 6 cultural workshops on topics such as the Ancient Tea Horse Road, sustainable ecological culture, etc., drawing the attention of nearly 5.5 million people to traditional Chinese culture.

Build Bridges to Integrate Intangible Cultural Heritage into Modern Life:

Carry Out a Series of Innovative Practices:
• In September 2019, the new BMW 7 Series Halo edition was launched. It was co-designed by BMW and faculty and students from Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design. The innovation not only demonstrates BMW’s in-depth understanding of Chinese culture, but also perfectly embodies BMW’s corporate social responsibility concept of “creating shared value” with stakeholders.
• For many years, BMW China Culture Journey has been conducting a series of innovative activities including ICH visits, social innovation deliverables exhibitions, cultural salons, pop-up stores, and interactive lectures and workshops to lead the public on a journey to understand ICH and an exploration of the vast possibilities of “integrating ICH into modern life”.

Cultural Conservation Propelling Sustainability and Innovative Exhibition Promoting Circularity
BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition Opens in Beijing

• The BMW Group has always placed sustainability at its core and is committed to Electric, Digital and Circular Future.
• The ”BMW China Culture Journey” Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition officially opens at the China Science and Technology Museum, celebrating the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s ”Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage” with practical actions together with the China Science and Technology Museum as well as Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design.
• No premium without responsibility. At BMW, sustainability is more than being green—it is about people and society. The BMW Group’s comprehensive sustainability concept is culture-driven sustainable development.

(Beijing, February 24th) The BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition opens today at the China Science and Technology Museum. Held in collaboration with the China Science and Technology Museum, BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd., and Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, the exhibition is open to the public at the China Science and Technology Museum from February 24, 2023. The BMW Group has always placed sustainability at its core and is committed to the electric, digital and circular future. It believes that sustainability is more than just being green—it is about people and society. The “BMW China Culture Journey” Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition celebrates the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s “Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage” with practical actions.

Dr. Franz Decker, President & CEO, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., said: “The BMW Group has always placed sustainability at its core and is committed to the electric, digital and circular future. No premium without responsibility. In the era of electric vehicles, ‘premium’ car brands must be responsible to the economy, society and environment with a sustainable vision. Sustainability is more than being green—it is about people and society. This exhibition demonstrates BMW’s continuous efforts in protecting intangible cultural heritage for 17 years with our partners to promote sustainable development through culture, perfectly interpreting the BMW Group’s comprehensive sustainability philosophy.”

BMW believes sustainability is more than being green—it is about people and society

According to the UNESCO, the Social Development Goals (SDGs) are grouped around the economic, social, and environmental objectives as the three pillars of sustainable development, with culture and creativity contributing to each of these pillars transversally. Placing culture at the heart of development policies is the only way to ensure a human-centered, inclusive and equitable development.

BMW’s sustainability is not only reflected in its core business as well as its commitment to the electric, digital and circular future, but also in its highly coordinated and sustainable development with regard to people, society, and the environment. When “BMW China Culture Journey” was launched in 2007, the aim was to help protect and promote traditional Chinese culture. Over 17 years, BMW China Culture Journey has donated more than 25 million yuan to 90 intangible cultural heritage projects and research subjects in urgent need of protection, funded nearly 1,000 inheritors, and influenced nearly 160 million people to protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage.

Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Office in Beijing, said: “As we continue to celebrate the power of intangible cultural heritage, we must remember that it is not just a source of pride and inspiration, but also a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development and promoting social cohesion. The recognition of the universal value of intangible heritage is one of the powerful tools we have to build a better world based on dialogue, respect, and human dignity. The year 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. We welcome and encourage all partners to join us in celebrating this important year and contributing to the safeguarding of ICH. This ICH exhibition is an excellent example set by BMW China, China Science and Technology Museum and Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design.”

“Scented Intangible Cultural Heritage” echoing the modern circular economy concept as well as the traditional Chinese philosophy of “the unity of man and nature in respect of nature” and “the harmonious coexistence between man and nature”

Chinese civilization has always advocated the unity of man and nature in respect of nature, and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In this exhibition, BMW's “circular” sustainability is also implemented throughout with the concept of reuse being integrated into the exhibition design from the very beginning. 30% of the exhibition materials are made of recyclable paper materials and, together with other exhibits, 75% of the exhibition materials are recyclable.

China’s longstanding intangible cultural heritage skills use locally sourced materials, shows respect for nature, and makes the best use of everything in an embodiment of the philosophy of “harmony between man and nature in respect of nature” as well as the modern “cradle to cradle” circular economy concept, realizing a dialogue between ancient and modern times across time and space.

The “Enjoying Nature” series of Bai tie dye works co-created by Li Wei, professor of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, and Duan Yuan, representative municipal intangible cultural heritage inheritor of the Bai tie dye project, captures the integration of handmade craftsmanship and nature through tie-dyeing and hanging-dyeing techniques using natural materials such as radix isatidis and plant bluegrass as dyes, and soybean powder and lime powder as dyeing paste. In addition, this series of works draws on the artistic conception of traditional Chinese landscape painting, creating a static expression of Chinese landscapes through the natural gradience and changing layers of the materials.

This exhibition will, for the first time, be bringing “Scented Intangible Cultural Heritage” into the shrine of science and technology. Creatively inspired by Hainan's intangible cultural heritage works and the local cultural and natural environments, faculty and students of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design incorporated the scents of sea breeze, coconut and indigo dye into intangible cultural heritage creations through olfactory design installations, creating a rich, immersive experience that stimulates exhibition visitors’ senses of sight, smell and touch. Visitors are able to vividly imagine themselves standing right in middle of the ecological environment where intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship was first conceived to fully appreciate the harmonious beauty of “harmony between man and nature in respect of nature”.

The integration of culture, art and science provides creativity for sustainable development

According to the UNESCO, Cultural heritage — both tangible and intangible — and creativity are resources that need to be protected and carefully managed. They can serve both as drivers for achieving the SDGs as well as enablers, when culture-forward solutions can ensure the success of interventions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Culture, art and science complement each other as a trinity. In this exhibition, the “Integration of Culture, Art and Science” innovative development forum gathers many famous experts and scholars from relevant fields to discuss how cultural heritage and creativity can contribute to sustainable development with inheritors. Through interdisciplinary collisions, the forum breaks through the boundaries of intangible cultural heritage protection, creating more possibilities for the inheritance and development of traditional culture to explore and protect intangible cultural heritage through innovation.

Mr. Yin Hao, Member of the Party Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology, Secretary of the Secretariat, Curator of the China Science and Technology Museum, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, said: “The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmony between man and nature and of peaceful development. We should carry forward the splendid traditional Chinese culture and meet people’s ever-growing intellectual and cultural needs. The China Science and Technology Museum is an important platform for China’s public cultural service system, which has the important mission of improving citizens' scientific and cultural literacy. This exhibition creatively integrates art, culture and science to provide new ideas for the popularization of traditional culture. It also sets a practical example for better implementing strategies for invigorating China through science and education, cultivating a strong talent pool, and driving innovation and development.”

Mr. Ma Sai, Dean of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, said: “Excellent traditional culture needs to be innovated in inheritance and inherited in innovation. Over the years, we have continued to deepen our collaboration with BMW to explore intangible cultural heritage’s innovative path and model. In the future, we will continue to leverage our strengths to introduce more artistic and scientific elements into cultural inheritance and protection to further promote the sustainable and healthy development of culture."

The BMW 7 Series Halo Edition, co-created by BMW and Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design, perfectly embodies the fusion of "art and science" and "Eastern and Western aesthetics". The design principle of the car is "beyond the visible, beauty beyond form" with "harmony" as its core value. Its inspiration comes from traditional Chinese aesthetics, using “mountains, waters, and clouds” as design elements to create the landscape that the Chinese people have always loved, fully displaying the Oriental aesthetic values of "harmony and elegance". The combination of Chinese cultural symbolic elements including the dragon jade pattern, craig blue glaze porcelain, white jade, and acronychia pedunculata, combined with traditional craftsmanship skills such as embroidery, Chinese lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay, shows BMW’s deep understanding of Chinese culture. It also provides a reference for the “integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life”. Showcasing the success of both Oriental and Western cultures in sharing and celebrating each other’s beauty, it has become a classic example of the “creative transformation and innovative development of the splendid traditional Chinese culture”.

In 2016, BMW co-founded the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding with Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design. Through innovative thinking, BMW enables cultural heritage inheritors to design and develop cultural creations. Over the past six years, 6 social innovation deliverables exhibitions and more than 20 seminars have been organized together with Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design, benefiting nearly 500 intangible cultural heritage inheritors from all over the country. At the innovation center, inheritors from Sichuan, Hunan, Qinghai Yushu, Hainan, Liaoning, Hubei, and Yunnan, receive tailored training and "one-on-one" innovation empowerment.

Adhering to the philosophy of "At Home in China", BMW Group continues to create value for Chinese customers, local society and industry for mutual growth. Paying close attention to agendas of the government and society, and based on its understanding and insights into the issues, BMW China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on “Culture Protection”, "Environmental Protection" and other strategic Chinese society issues. Through innovative thinkings and actions, BMW engages a wide range of stakeholders to contribute to Chinese society’s high-quality development in line with its “At Home in China” philosophy through flagship projects such as “BMW China Culture Journey”, “BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative”, etc.

Crossover of Circular Design and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Culture Protection Propels Sustainability
"BMW China Culture Journey Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition" officially kicks off

(Beijing) The "BMW China Culture Journey Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition" was officially launched to celebrate the upcoming 2023 China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day on June 10th. This Competition is part of the BMW China Culture Journey, a BMW Group China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project for 17 years. 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. To celebrate both this anniversary and the upcoming China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, the BMW China Culture Journey has launched a series of initiatives, including the BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition in February in Beijing. BMW China is innovatively engaging in the practice of CSR by integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life and promoting sustainability through culture protection initiatives.

The Design Competition is a public welfare event, organized by BMW China and Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design and funded by the China Education Development Foundation. Themed around the concept of: "Creative design of traditional handicrafts through the lens of circular economy", the competition is designed to enable two forms of crossover innovation: to foster communication between traditional craftsmen and young designers, and to facilitate the integration of traditional handicrafts and contemporary circular design concepts. The competition advocates for integrating social trends in China's modernization efforts, such as the circular economy, integration of culture and tourism, and rural revitalization, while introducing a model of social collaboration between "government, business, academia, and research”. With the “creative transformation and innovative development of the splendid traditional Chinese culture” as its guiding principle, the competition encourages intangible cultural heritage (ICH) inheritors to keep pace with the times by incorporating sustainability and circular economy concepts into their work, thus facilitating their integration into modern life. On the other hand, it also promotes and spreads traditional Chinese culture among modern young people through a "learning by doing” approach.

The Competition consists of five categories, themed: "Sustainable cockpit for mobility", "Creative cultural souvenirs for tourists", "Furnishings or decoration items for country Bed and Breakfasts", "Green clothing" and "Eco-friendly packaging", and encourages “one-to-one” teamwork between students and ICH inheritors. Students come from six universities, including the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, Nanjing University of the Arts, China Academy of Art, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and Xinjiang Arts University. The ICH inheritors are inheritors of five traditional handicraft categories: lacquer, bamboo, paper, porcelain and cloth. Furthermore, the competition encourages these crossover teams to collaborate in designing innovative works that mirror present social trends, such as the integration of culture and tourism, rural revitalization and the concept of the circular economy, by using natural or recycled materials along with traditional handicraft techniques.

Following the preliminary selection and final round, the winners of the competition will be announced in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice and transparency. The victorious teams will get a chance to attend an exclusive lecture by professors at Tsinghua University and visit BMW's sustainability production base in Shenyang. Moreover, the winners of the "Sustainable cockpit for mobility" category have a chance to get an internship at the BMW Group Designworks Shanghai. The competition runs from May to November, with an exhibition and awards ceremony planned for mid-December.

According to UNESCO, the Social Development Goals (SDGs) are grouped around the economic, social, and environmental objectives as the three pillars of sustainable development, with culture at the heart of SDGs while also contributing transversally across these three pillars. Placing culture at the heart of development policies is the only way to ensure a human-centered, inclusive and equitable development.

"From the traditional Chinese wisdom that the laws of Nature govern all things and that Man must seek harmony with Nature, the goal is to seek a kind of modernization that promotes harmonious coexistence of Man and Nature.” China’s longstanding intangible cultural heritage skills use locally sourced materials, shows respect for nature, and makes the best use of everything in an embodiment of the philosophy of “harmony between man and nature in respect of nature” as well as the modern “cradle to cradle” circular economy concept, realizing a dialogue between ancient and modern times across time and space.

The BMW Group is making digitalization, electrification and sustainability central to the company's strategic direction. Together with partners from across the entire value chain, the BMW Group is consistently driving forward the company’s transformation towards sustainability and is leading the automotive industry in transitioning to a circular economy. The BMW i Vision Circular made its debut 2021, exemplifying four principles based on the circular economy: RE:THINK, RE:DUCE, RE:USE and RE:CYCLE. The principles of the circular economy shaped the vision of the future, in which vehicles are manufactured entirely from secondary materials and are 100% recyclable, embodying a new way of thinking about the circular economy and the direction of the automotive industry.

The BMW Group China launched the BMW China Culture Journey in 2007, a CSR project aimed at protecting intangible cultural heritage in China. Over the past 17 years, the BMW China Culture Journey has supported 410 intangible cultural heritage projects, including the donation of more than 25 million yuan to 90 such projects and research subjects in urgent need of protection, funded nearly 1,000 inheritors, and has influenced nearly 160 million people to protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage.

In 2016, BMW co-founded the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding with Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design. Through innovative thinking, BMW enables cultural heritage inheritors to design and develop cultural creations. Over the past six years, 6 social innovation deliverables exhibitions and more than 20 seminars have been organized together with Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design, benefiting nearly 500 intangible cultural heritage inheritors from all over the country. At the innovation center, inheritors from Sichuan, Hunan, Qinghai Yushu, Hainan, Liaoning, Hubei, and Yunnan, receive tailored training and "one-on-one" innovation empowerment by students and teachers of Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design.

BMW Group continues to create value for Chinese customers, local society and industry for mutual growth. Paying close attention to agendas of the government and society, and based on its understanding and insights into the issues, BMW China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on “Culture Protection”, "Environmental Protection" and has launched four flagship projects - “BMW China Culture Journey”, “BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative”, “BMW Joy Home” and “BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education”. The China Education Development Foundation BMW Warm Heart Fund is also a platform to connect with stakeholders for broad participation. The BMW Group has been increasing its investments in CSR over the past decade, with the donation of around RMB 160 million to support the high-quality development of Chinese society.

Exploring the “Tea for Harmony” Culture, Enabling Fujian Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors to Enter Creative Design Competition
2023 BMW China Culture Journey: Fujian Tea Tour Promotes Sustainability Through Cultural Protection

On July 30th, the 2023 BMW China Culture Journey: Fujian Tea Tour officially kicked off in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province. This immersive journey into one of China’s major tea-producing regions—Fujian, offers an exploration and study of the inherent humanistic philosophy and sustainability concepts inherent in tea culture, guiding BMW in implementing a holistic approach to sustainability within its operations in China. The project aligns seamlessly with the current social issue of integrating culture and tourism with innovative thinking. Eight ICH inheritors traditional artisans from Fujian have been selected to be funded to advance to the semi-finals of the “Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition” themed "Creative design of traditional handicrafts through the lens of circular economy”. The competition encourages crossover collaborations with young designers. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the BMW China Culture Journey has initiated a series of actions to promote sustainability through cultural protection, following the BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition in February and the "Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition" in June.

In November 2022, “Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China” was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. With a long history of tea culture, Fujian province is one of China’s major tea-producing regions with the most complete variety of teas, and one of the birthplaces of Chinese tea culture.

The 2023 BMW China Culture Journey: Fujian Tea Tour focuses on the sustainability philosophy inherent in tea culture, culminating in three key outcomes:

First of all, it provides an immersive journey into Fujian, to learn and experience the sustainability philosophy of "the harmony between man and nature" inherent in tea culture with stakeholders. The tour invites guests to experience Wuyi Rock Tea at the UNESCO Natural and Cultural World Heritage site of Wuyi Mountain, discuss the exchange of cultural insights between Chinese porcelain and world civilizations in the "World Porcelain Capital" of Dehua, and learn about the history of tea and porcelain going global in the "Maritime Silk Road City” of Quanzhou.

Secondly, it enables ICH inheritors to participate in the “BMW China Culture Journey Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition”. The tour funds selected ICH inheritors skilled in lacquer, ceramic, bamboo weaving, paper, and textile craftsmanship from Fujian to advance to the semi-finals of the “Traditional Handicraft Creative Design Competition” themed "Creative design of traditional handicrafts through the lens of circular economy". This initiative encourages crossover collaborations with young designers to design and develop creative products that incorporate the concept of circular design and meet market demands. The competition is jointly organized by BMW China and Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, and endorsed by the China Education Development Foundation. Based on a “Government-Business-Academia-Research” social collaboration model, the competition empowers inheritors through innovation, inspires creativity, and facilitates the “integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life” through sustainable development concepts.

Thirdly, it has curated a special route in response to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s “Seasons of Rural Splendour” initiative, which is themed around “Wafting Tea Fragrance” this year. The curated route aims to encourage interest in regional tea culture among dealers, employees, and car owners. BMW also aims to encourage greater societal involvement in rural tourism and rural revitalization through a series of thematic activities, allowing participants to immerse in, learn about, and promote the richness of China’s traditional culture.

Dr. Franz Decker, President and CEO of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd. said, “UNESCO believes that culture is at the heart of the Social Development Goals (SDGs). In the face of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution, BMW has developed a holistic approach to sustainability for the entire value chain. In China, BMW prioritizes its sustainability efforts in three distinct areas: reducing carbon emissions, embracing the circular economy, and making social contributions. The BMW China Culture Journey reflects BMW’s understanding of sustainability from a humanistic perspective, embodying its values and infusing corporate governance in sustainability with a human touch. BMW has been a steadfast partner in Chinese society, respecting, appreciating, and cherishing cultural diversity in China, as well as contributing to the coordinated development between material and spiritual civilization. The BMW China Culture Journey program showcases BMW’s dedication as the company promotes sustainability through cultural protection.

Originating from China and spread across the world, tea is the most consumed drink after water on earth. As a bridge between man and nature, tea plays a significant role in the sustainable development of human society. From an industry perspective, tea, one of the world's essential economic crops, drives social development and alleviates poverty in underdeveloped regions by enhancing farmers' income and promoting rural sustainable development. In China, the tea industry is a thriving one that drives green development, emerging as a distinctive industry and growing economic focus in many rural regions. This embodies the philosophy that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets". From a civilizational perspective, tea bridges different cultures, economies, and histories, connecting the world. From the ancient Silk Road and Tea-Horse Road to today's “Belt and Road Initiative”, tea has served as a medium that creates ties and bridges among nations to foster mutual understanding as well as a harmonious coexistence that respects diversity.

The sustainable development philosophy inherent in tea culture is a vivid reflection of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which is in line with BMW's pursuit of sustainability. According to UNESCO, the Social Development Goals (SDGs) are grouped around economic, social, and environmental objectives as the three pillars of sustainable development, with culture at the heart of the SDGs while also contributing transversally across the three pillars. Only by placing culture at the heart of development policies can we ensure a people-centered, inclusive and equitable development. Promoting cultural heritage unifies humanity.

BMW Group continues to create value for Chinese customers, local society and industry for mutual growth. Paying close attention to agendas of the government and society, and based on its understanding and insights into the issues, BMW China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focuses on “Culture Protection”, "Environmental Protection and has launched four flagship projects - “BMW China Culture Journey”, “BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative”, “BMW Joy Home” and “BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education”. The China Education Development Foundation BMW Warm Heart Fund is also a platform to connect with stakeholders for collaborative participation. The BMW Group has been steadily increasing its investments in CSR over the past decade, with the donation of around RMB 160 million to support the high-quality development of Chinese society.

2022 BMW China Culture Journey

Protect Intangible Cultural Heritage–A Perfect Interpretation of BMW’s “At Home in China” Philosophy
2022 BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Launch

(Beijing) On December 7, Beautiful China: Collection of Creative Cases of Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) compiled by Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding (hereinafter referred to as the Innovation Center) and Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research, published by Tsinghua University Press, and funded by the China Education Development Foundation BMW Warm Heart Fund, was officially released as part of the 2022 BMW China Culture Journey. Intangible cultural heritage social innovation deliverables produced by the faculty and students from the Innovation Center and intangible cultural heritage inheritors were launched at the same time. In conjunction with BMW Brilliance’s 20th anniversary, these innovative deliverables are BMW’s gifts to Chinese society to support the cause of intangible cultural heritage protection with practical social innovation deliverables—at home in China, BMW protects intangible cultural heritage.

Through sharing by inheritors and comments by mentors, the Collection gathers representative co-creations and explorations of 29 intangible cultural heritage inheritors under the one-on-one tutelage of mentors from Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design—a vivid and detailed record of the collaborations among “mentors + intangible cultural heritage inheritors”. The Collection is a consolidation of inheritors’ thinking process, exploration and innovative practice in their “integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life” in recent years from aspects such as consumer insights, product design, and marketing. The Collection will be on the market in January 2023.

Mr. Jochen Goller, President and CEO, BMW Group Region China, said: “Since many years, Sustainability is an essential part of BMW Group’s corporate strategy. To us, Sustainability is much more than just being green and reducing the low-carbon footprint, it is also about the harmonious development and interaction of people, environment and society. In the past 16 years, strongly supported by local authorities and Chinese Academia, the BMW China Culture Journey is making significant contributions to the protection of Chinese intangible cultural heritage, which illustrates our philosophy of being ‘At Home in China’. Moving forward, we remain unwaveringly committed to the innovation, protection and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, with this injecting new life into traditional craftsmanship and contributing towards creating a ‘beautiful homeland’ in this new era.”

At the same time, the Innovation Center has newly released Yunnan intangible cultural heritage creations produced by inheritors selected during the 2021 BMW China Culture Journey Yunnan Tour and enabled by the Innovation Center through “learning by doing”. The newly released Yunnan intangible cultural heritage creations will be exhibited at the 2022 BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Innovation Deliverables Exhibition along with the Innovation Center’s Hainan and Liaoning creations. Co-organized by BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts & Design, and the China Science and Technology Museum, the exhibition will be open to the public from December 2022 until March 6, 2023 at the China Science and Technology Museum.

Dr. Franz Decker, President & CEO, BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., said: “2023 marks the 20th anniversary of BMW Brilliance’s establishment. For BMW Brilliance, ‘At Home in China’ means that we are not just driving the development of the industrial value chain to promote the high quality growth of China's automobile industry and Liaoning's old industrial base, but expanding our responsibility beyond our plants. We innovate and practice corporate social responsibility to contribute to Chinese society. And BMW China Culture Journey is a classic example of BMW Corporate Social Responsibility maximizing the social value through collaborations with social parties.”

The exhibition deliverables are, for the first time, presented the public at a national-level exhibition hall. These innovative products are jointly created and designed by intangible cultural heritage inheritors and mentors of Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts & Design under the latter’s one-on-one "learning by doing" tutelage, with both parties’ expertise and experience in perfect complements. With the aim to help integrate intangible cultural heritage into modern life, the research and training model not only allowed the ethnic and cultural elements of traditional intangible cultural heritage skills to be retained, but also focused on developing creative products that appeal to contemporary consumers through design thinking—setting an example for the creative transformation and innovative development of the splendid traditional Chinese culture. Prof. Ma Sai, Dean of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, and Secretary of the Party Committee, said: “The inheritance and protection of traditional culture requires the participation of people from all walks of life. The continued achievements from our long-term close cooperation with BMW are the best proof and example of how design thinking enables public welfare. In the future, we will deepen our cooperation and design more products for the country and the people through a ‘government-industry-academy-research’ social collaboration model. We will create the opportunities for more people to learn about and fall in love with intangible cultural heritage, and also contribute more to the integration of intangible cultural heritage into modern life.”

It is also worth mentioning that this exhibition will, also for the first time, be bringing “Scented Intangible Cultural Heritage” into the China Science and Technology Museum. Creatively inspired by Hainan's intangible cultural heritage works, all the faculty and students of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design incorporated the scents of raw plant materials found in the sea, volcanic ash and the Li brocade into intangible cultural heritage creations through olfactory design installations, creating a rich, immersive experience that stimulates exhibition visitors’ senses of sight, smell and touch. Visitors are able to vividly imagine themselves standing right in middle of the ecological environment where intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship was first conceived to fully appreciate the beauty of the harmonious coexistence among mankind, culture and nature.

The BMW 7 Series Halo Edition co-produced by BMW and Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design will also, for the first time, be exhibited at the national museum. The car combines BMW’s century-old craftsmanship with symbolic elements of traditional Chinese culture, and is the best example of Eastern and Western cultures’ seamless fusion. The combination of Chinese cultural symbolic elements including the dragon jade pattern, Craig blue glaze porcelain, white jade, and Acronychia Pedunculata, combined with traditional craftsmanship skills such as embroidery, Chinese lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay, redefine BMW’s concept of modern luxury and, more importantly, provide a reference for “integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life”.

Adhering to the philosophy of "At Home in China", the BMW Group continues to create value for customers, the local community and the Chinese automotive industry in China in order to drive joint development. The BMW Group believes that an outstanding enterprise has a purpose beyond profit—"connecting" with stakeholders to create practical value, solve social problems and contribute to society. We pay close attention to national and social agendas and, based on our understanding and insights into the issues, organize our CSR to focus on three main issues—“cultural protection", "social development" and "environmental protection”, which have culminated in four flagship projects - “BMW China Culture Journey”, “BMW Children’s Traffic Safety Education”, ”BMW Joy Home” and “BMW Beautiful Homeland Initiative” - through which we continuously contribute to a better Chinese society.

2021 BMW China Culture Journey

15 Years of Cultural Preservation and Innovation to Create Shared Value for Society 2021 BMW China Cultural Journey Wraps Up Yunnan Tour

  (Lijiang, Yunnan Province, July 30) Today, the 2021 BMW China Culture Journey Yunnan tour themed “Exploring Yunnan’s History and Legacy, A Spiritual Homeland of Harmony and Diversity” has officially come to an end. Divided into East and West routes and six cultural themes, the tour led scholars, media representatives and other guests from all over the country to explore 20 fascinating tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Yunnan. BMW China Culture Journey has been helping to protect China's intangible cultural heritage for 15 years as part of its “In China, for China" commitment to Chinese society. During this tour, the program fulfilled all the targets it set for its 15th anniversary.

Mr. Jochen Goller, President and CEO of BMW Group Region China, said, "There is no premium without sustainability. BMW Group has positioned sustainability at the core of our strategy in China and refined our strategic directions into climate change actions; accountable, circular, and resilient value chain; and responsible corporate citizenship. There is no premium without responsibility. In 15 years, BMW China Culture Journey has made contributions to the conservation of traditional Chinese culture that make us proud—it is the perfect embodiment of BMW Group's strategic CSR in China. In conjunction with its 15th anniversary, BMW China Culture Journey is going to unite all forces in society to embark on another journey to contribute to a beautiful China."

Rome was not built in a day. After 15 years of unremitting efforts, BMW China Culture Journey has created a sustainable and reproducible model for “integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life" and "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional Chinese culture”.

During the tour, BMW China Culture Journey successfully selected 5 intangible cultural heritage inheritors to attend the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center. Under the tutelage of Tsinghua University's Academy of Arts and Design professors, the inheritors will design and develop marketable creative products to promote the innovative transformation of intangible cultural heritage. The creative products co-designed by the six inheritors from Liaoning and Hubei provinces selected during the 2020 BMW China Culture Journey and Tsinghua professors will be officially launched this year.

As part of its innovative communication strategy, the program live-streamed six themed cultural workshops including the Ancient Tea Horse Road, sustainable ecological culture, and innovative development and transformation of traditional culture and rituals, drawing the attention of nearly 5.5 million people to traditional Chinese culture.

BMW China Culture Journey also collaborated with well-known travel website Mafengwo to launch the "BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Tour Guide of Yunnan” to promote the integrated development of Yunnan's culture and tourism industry with visionary thinking. The innovative, upgraded tour guide compiles Yunnan’s unique tourism resources in a form that is specially tailored to the reading habits of the younger generations these days.

With a special focus on people and contributing to local communities, BMW China Culture Journey has unwaveringly forged ahead for 15 years, rooting itself in Chinese society as a community involvement program. Looking forward, BMW China Culture Journey is embarking on a new journey as it continues to use BMW's strong brand influence as a "connection" to build a sustainable, multi-participant intangible cultural heritage socialization platform and support system. Tapping into the power of all parties within the system, the program will forge a new path that is distinctively BMW China Culture Journey to create shared value.

2020 BMW China Culture Journey

Enable through Innovative Approaches and Build New Bridge for Liaoning’s Culture and Tourism Industry 2020 BMW China Culture Journey’s Visit in Liaoning Wraps Up

Shenyang, Liaoning, Sep. 10th - Today, the 2020 BMW China Culture Journey themed “Trace the Root of Liaohai Culture, a Spiritual Homeland of Continuity and Preciousness” wraps up in Liaoning Province. During the four-day tour, the BMW China Culture Journey has experienced in-depth more than 30 tangible and intangible cultural heritages in Liaoning and successfully achieved the following goals:

  Successfully selected 6 intangible cultural heritage inheritors from Liaoning Province and Hubei Province to co-design creative products in the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center. Collaborated with Alibaba Foundation under the Model Mother Program to further enable female intangible cultural heritage inheritors with e-commerce skills and promote intangible cultural heritage safeguarding to realize closed-loop supply chain from design to consumption. Collaborated with Mafengwo to launch the “BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Culture Heritage Tour Guides of Liaoning” to continuously contribute to the development of culture and tourism industry in Liaoning Province.

Promoted intangible cultural heritage products on Taobao's Live Streaming Platform and leveraged innovative approaches to promote intangible cultural heritage’s communication and safeguarding.

  From Sep. 7th to 10th, the BMW China Culture Journey fleet consisting of national media, experts, scholars and others has deeply experienced Shenyang, Panjin, Chaoyang and Fuxin. Focusing on the three representative cultures of Liaoning Province - Manchu Culture, Liaohekou Culture and Hongshan Culture, members of the fleet immersed themselves in tangible and intangible cultural heritages of Liaoning, such as the Shenyang Palace Museum, Manchu Folk Embroidery, The Craft of Shipbuilding in Erjiegou, National Park of Niuheliang Archaeological Site and Fuxin Agate Carving Skill.

  During this tour, 6 intangible cultural heritages inheritors from Liaoning Province and Hubei Province were selected to join the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding. Under the guidance of professors from Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, inheritors will design and develop market-oriented intangible culture-themed creative products to promote the innovative transformation of intangible culture heritage.

  To further enable intangible cultural heritage inheritors, the 2020 BMW China Culture Journey collaborated with Alibaba Foundation under the Model Mother program to launch the “Enabling Female Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors” program, which is aimed at enabling female inheritors with e-commerce skills. Some trial intangible cultural heritage products produced by female inheritors have already been released on the official "Model Mother” online charity shop. Meanwhile, the first batch of female inheritors selected for the program will receive their e-commerce training session within this year, which will help to expand online sales channels, stimulate greater employment, and further promote intangible cultural heritage safeguarding to realize closed-loop supply chain from design to consumption.

  In addition, BMW China Culture Journey also launched the BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Culture Heritage Tour Guide of Liaoning together with Mafengwo, a popular travel and entertainment platform among young people, to continuously contribute to the development of culture and tourism industry in Liaoning Province.

  During the tour, an online promotion of intangible cultural heritage products was also held on Taobao’s live streaming platform. More than 1.35 million public participated in the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage.

  BMW China Culture Journey has visited and protected Chinese traditional culture for 14 consecutive years. The tour in Liaoning this year focuses on strengthening roots in local communities, which is another milestone for BMW's continuous contribution to Liaoning's social and economic development. In the future, BMW China Culture Journey will continue to exercise its strong brand influence to concentrate various social resources, and build bridges for Liaoning’s culture and tourism industry through innovative approaches, and drive stakeholders to become long-time contributors to Liaoning's social and economic development.

2019 BMW China Culture Journey

2019 BMW China Culture Journey’s Visit in Hainan Completes

The 2019 BMW China Culture Journey, featuring the theme “Explore Hainan Island, A Spiritual Homeland of Originality and Glamour”, successfully completed its tour in Hainan today, with the fleet visiting over 20 intangible cultural heritage items during the six-day visit. Several achievements of this year’s Culture Journey were announced at the Gala Night of the program this evening. In total, 3 representative intangible cultural heritage items (including Traditional Dyeing, Weaving and Embroidery Skills of Li Nationality, Coconut Carving and Dongpo Bamboo Hat Manufacture Skill) and 5 inheritors in Hainan province have been selected to the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding. At the Center, inheritors will be mentored by professors from the Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, to co-design and develop intangible cultural heritage-based products for commercial sale to promote poverty alleviation. Additionally, a diverse range of communication platforms have been introduced to complement the program, including a collaboration with the leading domestic travel website Mafengwo and produce serial Tour Guide, further promoting and raising awareness of cultural tourism in Hainan.

From July 8th to 13th, the BMW China Culture Journey fleet carried participants including scholars, entrepreneurs, customers and media representatives to inspect a wide variety of intangible cultural heritage items across Hainan, in cities including Haikou, Qionghai and Wuzhishan. Among the items viewed included folk customs (South China Sea Manual of Sea Routes), handicrafts (Traditional Dyeing, Weaving and Embroidery Skills and Rattan Weaving of the Li Nationality), fine arts (Coconut Carving) and traditional dance (Firewood Gathering Dance and Rice Husking Dance).

The 2019 BMW China Culture Journey’s visit to Hainan has selected 5 inheritors from 3 representative intangible cultural heritage items (including Traditional Dyeing, Weaving and Embroidery Skills of Li Nationality, Coconut Carving and Dongpo Bamboo Hat Manufacture Skill) in Hainan province to Innovation Center. Over the following three months, the selected inheritors will be mentored by professors at The Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts and Design, to co-design and develop intangible cultural heritage-based products. The processing, manufacturing and sales of such products will help create new rural jobs and effectively advance the implementation of the national policy of poverty alleviation.

Throughout this week, BMW China Culture Journey has leveraged a diverse range of communication platforms to promote cultural tourism in Hainan by increasing public awareness of Hainan’s unique, extraordinary and diverse traditional culture.

• Based on the Journey in Hainan, the program will produce its fourth intangible cultural heritage-themed tour guide (BMW China Culture Journey Tour Guide in Hainan) to promote intangible cultural heritage preservation through an innovative, cultural tourism-based approach. The guide is expected to be released at the end of this year and will help promote Hainan as a base for international cultural tourism.

• Various sceneries and intangible cultural heritage items along the tour were broadcast on the TikTok video-sharing site, under the hashtag #FunIntangibleCulturalHeritage# to engage the younger generation in the delights of China’s intangible cultural heritage. Users were also encouraged to produce and share their own intangible cultural heritage videos. Videos shared under the topic received over 8,000,000 viewerships during the six-day journey, helping raise interest in intangible cultural heritage among the Chinese public.

As the iconic Corporate Social Responsibility program of BMW, BMW China Culture Journey has continuously operated for 13 years since its launch in 2007. The program, which leverages BMW's resources and core competitive strengths, helps to promote achievement by “empowering with innovative thinking”, striving towards a goal of “creating shared value”. The program is committed to bridging diversified social resources and integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life by raising awareness of China’s heritage, while also promoting the sustainable commercialization, production and consumption of China’s intangible cultural heritage.

2018 BMW China Culture Journey

Taking the theme “Trace the Source of the Three Rivers; A Spiritual Homeland of Grandeur and Spectacle”, 2018 BMW China Culture Journey was held from July 25th to July 30th, comprising experts, cultural ambassadors, innovative social enterprise, entrepreneurs, car owners and media, the fleet explored numerous places across Yushu City, Nangqian County and Longbao Town. The representatives visited a large number of intangible cultural heritage sites including traditional folk activities and traditional sports such as the Horse Racing Festival, traditional oral literature represented by Gesar's epic, traditional dances such as the Yi Dance, traditional art such as Zangniang Thang-ga, as well as traditional handicrafts including Tibetan black pottery and Tibetan paper. Meanwhile, the fleet also visited a series of historical, cultural and natural landscapes, such as Princess Wencheng Temple, the Lebagou Cliff Carved Stone, and Longbao Town’s wetland ecosystem.

Guided by BMW strategic corporate social responsibility, BMW China Culture Journey fully exercised its brand influence to build bridge geared to concentrate various social resources and achieved the goals of this visit to Yushu by conducting a series of innovative initiatives.

Firstly, we successfully identified 10 Tibetan intangible cultural heritage inheritors from Yushu and support their studies at the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding. This will help strengthen the foundation of intangible cultural heritage in Yushu and promote the “creative transformation and innovative development” of the area.

Secondly, the “Yushu Development Support Program” achieved its initial objectives. According to topics such as “Building and Promoting the Image for Yushu”, “Local Economic Development”, “Promoting Cultural Tourism”, “Creative Design of Yushu Tibetan Handicrafts” and “BMW Warm Heart Fund Revisit to Yushu”, the task group conducted field visits and research along the journey. These research reports were shared with the Yushu government during the gala dinner, offering feasible suggestions for Yushu’s long-term development.

Thirdly, we explored the creative transformation of intangible cultural heritage, and bridged the design and marketing forces to create the innovation ecosystem of intangible cultural heritage. 2018 BMW China Culture Journey partner with SHOKAY, the innovative social entrepreneur, and Yushu Tibetan cooperatives to design the “Yushu Impression” series of handicraft, which will be presented to the public at the 2nd BMW China Culture Journey Festival.

Fourthly, plans prepare the BMW China Culture Journey Tour Guide in Yushu in 2018, which will support the development of local cultural tourism in an innovative and sustainable way, attracting more young consumers to the local area, the guide will help Yushu promote tourism brands of national Tibetan culture and ecological protection zones.

2017 BMW China Culture Journey

2017BMW China Culture Journey’s Visit in Hunan

The series events of 2017 BMW China Culture Journey officially kicked off with an intangible cultural heritage visit in Hunan, featuring “Explore Mysterious Hunan, a Spiritual Homeland of Vigor and Vitality”. The intangible cultural heritage visits in Hunan took place from July 26 to August 4, during which two groups of members comprising journalists, intangible cultural heritage experts, cultural experts, designers and entrepreneurs visited intangible cultural heritage items in 11 municipalities and prefectures across Hunan Province. The South Route, with a focus on traditional craftsmanship, arts and drama, visited intangible cultural heritage items such as Hunan embroidery, Liling Underglazed Five-Color Porcelain, and Kun Opera, whilst the North Route, with a focus on folk customs, vocal art forms and traditional music, visited intangible cultural heritage items including the Dragon Boat Festival celebration on Miluo River, Yu-Drum, and the Miao Minority’s Folk Song.

Guided by BMW’s strategic corporate social responsibility, 2017 BMW China Culture Journey has successfully achieved the goals of the intangible cultural heritage visit in Hunan through a series of innovative initiatives as follows:

Firstly, ten inheritors with innovation needs and potential are selected, and were sent to the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding for research and design training.

Secondly, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Crossover Incubation Program has been launched, which invites Intangible Cultural Heritage Crossover Creative Ambassadors from different specialisms to collaborate with intangible cultural heritage inheritors to create works inspired by intangible cultural heritage items. Works created under this program were displayed at the “BMW China Culture Journey Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival” which was held in Beijing in November to integrate intangible cultural heritage into modern life.

Through the Program, with the innovative model of “Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritors + Intangible Cultural Heritage Crossover Creative Ambassadors”, 2017 BMW China Culture Journey fuel intangible cultural heritage crossover innovations in fields including music, fashion, gourmet and handicrafts as follows:

Intangible Cultural Heritage Music: invite the pop music singer Summer (Jike Junyi), together with inheritors of intangible cultural heritage items in traditional music, to produce the non-profit intangible cultural heritage song;

Intangible Cultural Heritage Fashion: invite designer SaraYun, together with inheritors of traditional art items and traditional craftsmanship items, to produce a collection of Chinese cultural elements and trendy apparel inspired by intangible cultural heritage;

Intangible Cultural Heritage Gourmet: invite culinary expert Heymy to integrate traditional food of Hunan province into modern dishes, creating “a bite of intangible cultural heritage”;

Intangible Cultural Heritage Handicrafts: invite designer Gao Yiqiang and volunteers from BMW car owners, together with around 10 inheritors of traditional craftsmanship items, to design and produce creative and practical intangible cultural heritage handicrafts which feature Chinese cultural elements.

Thirdly, following the great success of the “BMW China Culture Journey Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Tour Guide” in 2016, BMW China Culture Journey in collaboration with Mafengwo, launch the “BMW China Culture Journey Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage Tour Guide” in 2017, to promote the intangible cultural heritage items of Hunan and encourage young people to understand and experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage items up-close.

2016 BMW China Culture Journey

From Oct. 14th to 21st, with the theme of “Joy in Sichuan, a Spiritual Homeland of Unique and Delicate Craftsmanship”, BMW China Culture Journey members were divided into two fleets to the routes of South Sichuan and North Sichuan respectively, not only revisiting the intangible cultural heritage items and inheritors that we donated in 2009, but also achieving four aspects of practical results:

Firstly, 10 inheritors with innovation needs and potential had been selected to the Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding. They were engaged in a month-long research with specialist tutorials and in-depth study so as to further their capabilities of innovation and improve the self-confidence and self-awareness of intangible cultural heritage inheritance.

Secondly, cultural communication and promotion had been conducted for important intangible cultural heritage items and cultural zones along the Journey. During the trip, the Mobile Broadcast had been used for scene-based interaction with netizens, offering them a true-to-life experience via livestreaming. Besides, the intangible cultural heritage-themed tour guide in Sichuan had been released on popular travel websites to attract more young fans of traditional culture.

Thirdly, centering on promoting the sustainable development and live inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, the Journey had held an Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Forum, providing inheritors with skills support from the perspective of cultural poverty relief.

Fourthly, the program’s online platform had been optimized, with the creation of an interactive museum, to involve more people in the BMW China Culture Journey, which made sustainable participation possible through the experience platform.

From December 14th to 18th, 2016, the 2015-2016 BMW China Culture Journey Biennial Exhibition was officially held in Shenyang. The Biennial Exhibition was hosted by BMW, co-organized by Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding and supported by Liaoning Provincial Library.

To involve the public to experience the intangible cultural heritage items selected by BMW China Culture Journey and inspire them to join in intangible cultural heritage safeguarding, the Biennial Exhibition included items static display, inheritors onsite performance and interactive experience, presenting a comprehensive and vivid onsite experience of nearly 40 intangible cultural heritage items from Shaanxi and Sichuan visits.

The Exhibition also displayed the creative works of inheritors trained at Tsinghua BMW Innovation Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding, showing the creativity and potentials of integrating intangible cultural heritage into modern life.

Meanwhile, BMW Lifestyle Intangible Cultural Heritage Creative Design Competition drawn to a close with gold, silver, bronze and honorable mention medals awarded to 23 intangible cultural heritage inheritors. The "BMW, Gold Saddle and Flying Brocade" by Lai Junwen, from Shu Brocade Institute in Chengdu, awarded the Gold Award.


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